You know you're doing something right when your testimonial page becomes full!

"My water tastes like rain water!"
Cobus Rossouw, an irrigation farmer, installed a PTH in Bloemfontein
“My in-line, multi-purpose PTH water softener rendered the previously unpalatable water at my property at Ihambane in Mozambique delightfully drinkable. Not only does the water taste immeasurably better, but the overall quality is also much better. The water is considerably softer and my household equipment such as ice machines, washing machines and dish washers enjoy full protection against limescale build-up.”
Paul Kruger, Rustenburg, South Africa, cell 083 657 4354
“We just want to say we are LOVING the PTH System. It’s connected and working like a dream. We have already noticed a big difference in the water quality with things like kettles not getting deposits, geysers' temperatures are having to be turned lower as the water is too hot and even the plants are responding beautifully. We are noticing all round that the water is clearer and “softer”.
The water pressure hasn’t dropped significantly at all, which has impressed us even more. Thank you so much for your assistance!”
Hennie Eksteen, Rondeklip Organics, cell 083 696 5573
"I came across the PTH system and was advised that the system is a water improver and might resolve our issue.
The risk was taken and we installed the system. Immediately could see a difference in the clarity and the smell was gone!
The system is now running for 6 months and none of the tenants have complained about any issues with the water quality."
(Click here for the original letter.)
Riaan Hoffmann: HoffCon (01/10/2020)
17 November 2020: See what Sharon has to say about the PTH's amazing effect on their Olympic-sized pool:
Dear PTH Team,
This serves as a reference based on my experience with the PTH product.
We moved to a plot in the old mining town of Rooiberg five years ago.
Our water is supplied from a borehole and is saturated with lime and heavy metals. It is our only source of water.
The swimming pool is Olympic of a bygone era. The surface was caked with green and black algae, as well as some serious lime deposits. We drained it and scraped it. It wasn't too bad once all the manpower was over. It still had patches of stains on the fiberglass. Few residents own pools, and those who do, regularly drain and scrape their pools as maintenance.
We installed the PTH with some resistance. Mostly we hoped it would slow the frequency of having to empty and clean.
Five years later, we have not drained the pool once! Somehow, the stains softened and eventually disappeared. Due to our extreme temperature, we often fill the pool up. The borehole water changes the colour to green, but returns to crystal clear after a day or two of passing through the PTH. The only chemical we have ever needed to add is a HTH floater. I no longer even keep my test kit. The PTH saves us on chemicals and fuss. The outlay may seem great at the onset, but after years has saved us a whole lot of trouble and money.
Recently we have built an additional two pools with the idea of rental cottages. It goes without saying, that we purchased an additional two PTH's.
We recommend this product to anyone who either has an existing or new installation.
It is a real game changer!
Thank you again to the team
Kind Regards
Sharon Abrahams
082 567 7085
Ek het 17 jaar gelede – in die jaar 2000 – ‘n PTH waterversagter gekoop. Ons water op Sleutelspoort is harder as hard en alles kalk toe. Ek kan net noem dat die plaasopstal in 1903 opgerig is. Van die waterpype was so toegekalk dat daar skaars ‘n strooitjievol water uitgedrup het. Wel, nadat ek die PTH geinstalleer het, het hierdie “towerpyp” al die kalk in my ou plaashuis losgemaak en die pype was weer skoon. Ek het ook geen kalkprobleme meer op my geiser- of ketelelement nie. Ek het vanoggend, 16 November 2017 na 17 jaar weer met Pierre Massyn gepraat en groot was my verbasing om te hoor dat die onderneming nie net nog steeds bestaan nie, maar floreer.
Enigiemand wat meer wil weet oor hierdie top-produk is welkom om my te skakel by sel 082 773 1025.
Dries van Schalkwyk, Jagersfontein
“We installed a PTH20A in-line with the main water supply line at one of our manager's houses.
Since we installed the PTH devise, the water has immensely improved and quite tasty, I might add.
For a long time we have searched for a devise that saves on electricity, is unbreakable, chemical-free and required little to no maintenance and we are more than comfortable in saying that your PTH devices provides just that. We are more than pleased with this device and can recommend it as a product of efficiency and quality. “
Robert Sebastian, Project Manager (South 32: Mamatwan, Kathu)
"Pleroma Nature Reserve (4 saamgevoegde plase in Namakwaland) het reeds 3 van die PTH20-eenhede in gebruik en dit werk fantasties.
Ons koop nou 'n vierde een aan vir 'n nuwe huis wat gebou word.
Well done PTH en baie dankie vir 'n wonderlike produk."
Elsie van Tonder
(Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Phakama Administration Services)
Tel: +27 (0)12 348 8310 elsie@phakama.co.za
Ek wou you net laat weet dat dit lyk my asof die toestel werk. Ek laat sommer die pomp loop en die water sirkuleer deur die sisteem. Dit verander definitief die toestand van die water.
As ek uit my put tap stoot die water op van die rante van die emmer (konfeks) (hoe oppervlak spanning) na die PTH is die water by die rante konkaaf (hoop dit maak sin) Ek vind dat as ek die water laat sirkuleer, en dan gebruik dat dit definitief die smaak mindel brak maak. Sover het my plante (en spinasie) nog nie gevrek nie :)
Wagner Traut, Kaapstad (2 Maart 2018)
Net kortliks ‘n persoonlike bedanking aan jou en jou span – voortreflike diens uit die boonste rakke, sulke puik diens soos wat ‘n mens by PTH kry is nie meer orals te vinde nie. Ons bedryf ‘n wildsplaas in die Noordkaap en het geweldig probleme met harde kalkwater – dit verhoog die onderhoud op pype, warmwater toestelle, huishoudelike toestelle soos ketels, stykysters, wasmasjiene, ens. Verder het ons ook die probleem van besoedeling van ons ondergrondse water met plaag en plant doders weens die hoë besproeing in ons naby geleë area. Die grootste probleem is egter persoonlike gesondheid, ‘n water verwarmers, strykysters, ens. kan vervang word, maar ‘n mens se gesondheid is van onskatbare waarde. Die water is nie net gesonder nie, maar het ook ‘n baie lekkerder smaak. Ons het ongeveer 8 jaar terug alle boorgate se water laat toets onder andere gebottelde water wat ons oor die toonbank gekoop het, die PTH se water het suiwerder getoets as van die gebottelde water. Na verskeie pogings en die gebruik van verskillende ander “versagters” wat geensins enige verbetering tot gevolg gehad het nie, het ons die die PTH toestel d.m.v. die internet opgespoor. Ons water probleem t.o.v. onsuiwerheid, ens. was onmiddelik opgelos! Sou jy na die toestel kyk dan is ‘n mens skepties teenoor die werking daarvan, maar wees verseker dis die beste wat daar op die mark beskikbaar is. Byna geen onderhoud op die toestel is nodig nie, al wat benodig word is om 1 keer in 6 – 9 maande die kern te verwyder en skoon te borsel en dan weer terug te plaas. GEEN KOSTES!!!! Ons gebruik verskeie groottes van 20mm by wild suipings tot by 40mm vir huishoudelike installasies. Ek beveel die PTH met groot vrymoedigheid aan vir enige persoon met onsuiwer water probleme.
Frank de Beer †, Warrenton, Januarie 2017
In April 2019 het ons hier in Pretoria-Noord u waterkondisioneerder laat installeer. Dit is ‘n wonderlike produk wat ons lewe soveel vergemaklik het.
Op ons plot is dit in plantegroei en klein vee duidelik dat hierdie wonder-stelsel absoluut werk. Ons swembad gebruik baie minder chloor.
In ons huislike gebruik het ons helder water en nie meer melkerige water nie. Ons wasbakke het nie meer kalk-aanpaksel nie. Wasmasjiene se pype lek nie meer agv kalk wat oppak by die sif nie. Ketels is skoon en sonder aanpaksel. My kinders voel weer vry om water te drink. Hierdie is maar net ‘n paar van die voordele wat ons ontvang van hierdie stelsel.
Hierdie PTH stelsel is absoluut ‘n aanbeveling vir elke besigheid, restaurant, en private woonhuis. Baie dankie dat U hierdie stelsel aan ons bekend gestel het.
Jeannie Crafford van Onderstepoort, Rosslyn (0828539518)
Mr Bob Hockley, prominent farmer of Adelaide in the Eastern Cape, called in August 2020 to advise Team PTH that his PTH 25 that he bought more than a decade before, has kept his pipes and water supply feeder lines completely clean and free from limescale.
“It is evident that my tomatoes also love the PTH water!”
​Bob Hockley, Eastern Cape farmer (083 342 5913)
Ek woon in Wolmaransstad in Noordwes en het altyd water gekoop om te drink. Nadat ek na baie waterfilters gaan kyk het , het ek besluit op ‘n PTH. Ek het die verskaffers geskakel en ‘n PTH bestel
Die kwaliteit van die water het aansienlik verbeter . Die kalk is weg en pak nie meer die ketel aan nie . Die water is baie sagter en die seep skuim nou, wat die wasmiddels se gebruik verminder. Die onderhoud aan krane en waterpype het aansienlik verminder en die toilete en wasbakke en baddens is nie meer aangepak met kalksteen nie. Ons koop nie meer water nie en sodoende spaar ons baie. Die onderhoud op die PTH is min en in twee jaar het ek nog net 4 keer die filter oopgemaak en afgeborsel. Geen bewegende dele en geen elektrisiteit word benodig nie.
J.vd Westhuizen, Wolmaransstad, Sel 072 641 1710 (4 Junie 2016)
“Since we installed a PTH water softener, inline with our two Espresso machines at the coffee shop in Struisbaai, we observed the following: The general texture and general standard of the water is softer and the taste also notably better. There seems to be less curdle and scale present in the water.
We receive a big variety of tourists from all over the world and they all have very good comments on our coffee. Locals and other regular customers tend to keep coming back for our coffee. This is of course due to our consistency in preparing a proper cup of coffee but we are convinced that the PTH system contributes to this consistency.
Since installing the PTH system directly to our coffee machines, we have noticed a vast improvement in the efficient operation of the machines. We had zero maintenance on machines and the boiler system is as clean as can be. There is no sign of lime build-up on any part of the machines.
Another great advantage of this system is that it’s cost effective – no need for chemicals and electricity.
We are satisfied with the purchase of our PTH system and we want to thank Pierre Massyn
(082 900 9253) for this user-friendly and outstanding product that he supplied to us.”
Willie† and Rachel Matthee, owners of The Shipwreck Coffee Shop, Struisbaai 4 March 2019
A PTH 20 B was installed for irrigating the water at the farm about a year [Nov 2018] ago.
The water is extremely salty – readings of 1826.9 for sodium (Na) and 713.4 for chloride (Cl).
I am pleased to report that my crops are flourishing with the same water since I had the PTH installed. This is clearly a product of the highest quality.
Dr. Mokababa, Gabarone District, Botswana
"The PTH stands up to its claims by reducing the pH, preventing scale forming and corrosion in the high-pressure pump and on the cars.
The way it structures the water molecules, encourage the precipitation but in a soft unaggressive outcome. Even though some water treatment suppliers question the effectiveness of the units, as I also did many years ago, until I tested them on cooling towers, boilers and heat exchangers over a period of a year. I can since testify that these claims are not valid, and that the PTH supplier’s claims are valid. If not, they would not be in business any more."
Click HERE to read complete testimonial.
Jan Malan Carwash, 09/04/2018
I received the unit and have just tried it out here in Tsabong (water tds 326ppm), water tastes great now, absolutely amazing, thank you.
Pako Makepe, Botswana (December 2019)
Hiermee wil ek graag terugvoer gee op die PTH wat ons in ons woning geïnstalleer het in Februarie [2019]. Ek kan getuig van ‘n drastiese vermindering ten opsigte van die hoeveelheid kalk in my water tuis. Die smaak van ons kalkerige water is ook beter. Ek is vol vertroue dat die element van my warmwatertoestel ook nou baie langer sal hou en dat dit ook voordelig vir die sonverhittingspanele sal wees.
Eloise Krige, Overberg, sel 082 821 0287
Mnr Paul du Plessies rapporteer dat Bloubank Varkboerdery baie tevrede is met hul PTH wat hulle in 2018 aangeskaf het. Die PTH voorkom aankalking by Bloubank en hou die watertoevoerstelsel pragtig skoon. Kalkneerslae wat oor jare in die stelsel voorgekom het, is deur die PTH skoongemaak. “Dit blyk ook dat ons varke van julle water hou!”
Bloubank Varkstoet, Potchefstroom (082 492 0283)
Andries Roux van Leeudoringstad was so beïndruk met sy PTH dat hy dit vir sy vader aanbeveel het. Kliek hier vir sy getuigskrif.​
PTH Water Conditioner and Descaler vs Chicken Industry
We found that the PTH saves us money that would have been lost otherwise spent on maintenance, materials and lost man-hours due to breakdowns normally caused by hard water.
I can recommend the PTH as a quality product to all users of borehole water.
Click HERE to read complete testimonial...
Neil Taylor, Manager: Malan Chicks - Cell: 083 656 2896
“Hiermee wil ek graag aan u ‘n getuigskrif lewer, waarin ek die positiewe uitkoms wil beskryf, wat die PTH 20A teweeg gebring het op die plaas Sycamore in die Warden distrik.
Die eenheid was aangekoop deur aangetroude familie van my, en het op ‘n rak gelê vir meer as ‘n jaar.
Rede vir die aankoop van die eenheid was as volg:
Die water op die nuut aangekoopte plaas, was so erg kalk, dat die outomatiese wasmasjien binne 3 maande op die plaas onbruikbaar was. Die urn was daagliks gebruik word vir die hans-lammers se melk, moet twee-weekliks met asyn en koeksoda ont-kalk word. Die maandelikse inkopie-lys, het as standaard ‘n geiser element bevat.
Rede vir die lank lê op die rak: Die familie lede was onseker oor die installasie metode.
Aangesien ek ‘n baie tegniese mens is, en oor elektroniese- en watersuiweringskennis beskik, is ek toe genader. Ek het die inligtings-brosjure bestudeer, en met my chemiese begrip van molekulêre afbreking, hierdie PTH eenheid se basiese werking verstaan, en aangedui dat ek die eenheid vir hulle sal installeer.
Die eenheid is geinstalleer (met ‘n behoorlike be-aarding) op die toevoer na die plaashuis, êrens in 2006. Dit werk steeds soos die dag wat ek dit geinstalleer het, en het die volgende positiewe resultate opgelewer:
– Die outomatiese wasmasjien is herstel, geinstalleer, en werk steeds sonder
– Die geiser elemente hou met gemak 2 jaar en langer.
– Die urn, wat steeds daagliks gebruik word, het nooit meer ‘n ontkalking
nodig nie.
– Die gewone elektriese kombuis ketel is nog nooit weer vervang nie.
– Die stort-kop bly skoon en kalk-vry.
– Die aanpaksels om die krane het verdwyn oor tyd.
My eerlike opinie: Hierdie produk het himself bewys. Ek het GEEN rede om iets negatiefs te sê nie.”
Lourens van der Merwe, Standerton (Landbou- en Huishoudelike verbruik, 2006), Kontaknommer 081 353 9165
Ek wil net graag vertel hoe die PTH werk.
Ons het dit bo die pomp geïnstalleer en dit werk 100%, ons sorg net dat die tenk heel vol is. Dit lewer genoeg water sodat die pomp genoeg water kry.
Die heel eerste dag het ons bloedrooi water getap soos die roes losgekom het, nou is ons water weer blink skoon. Die ys is ook nie meer wit nie. Ek het bietjie tuin gemaak en sover groei alles, selfs tamatiepitte het opgekom.
Die grootste bonus is egter dat dit genoeg water lewer om deur die pomp te werk.
Sover is ons baie tevrede en van ons vriende wil ook van die produk gebruik maak.
Marinda, Kalahari (Nov 2010
This is a high-quality water softener that I can recommend without hesitation. You simply install it in-line and can basically forget about it.
Ruari Euan Rosef-Ingram, Managing Director, Mobile: 083 250 2824
“We already noticed such an improvement in our lime and scale that we recently ordered and installed a second PTH”
We have been using the PTH product for considerable time now and are pleased to confirm that it is an excellent product.
Riverside Nursery, Musina, Limpopo. Tel:082 823 7309
I have had years of personal experience with the in-line PTH water softening device and I can recommend it without hesitation as a product of true international class. The beauty of the device is that it functions without chemicals and has no moving or replaceable parts. It is supplied by a team of dedicated professionals working under the leadership of the company’s owner, Pierre Massyn. As far as I know they have supplied the product since 1995.
Dave Crymble, Nuclear Scientist, Lesedi Nuclear Services, Cape Town, Cell 0836329440
“Hiermee wil ek net sê die PTH instrument werk baie goed wat ek gedurende Januarie 2017 van julle bestel en laat insit het. Net na die installering van die masjien het ek al my krane in die huis laat vervang teen ‘n koste van meer as R 20 000 wat opgepak het van die kalksteen. Ek het gedurende September 2017 weer my huis besoek in Stilbaai waar my vrou bly en to my verbasing was daar nie een merkie van kalsteen op die krane of stortkoppe nie, wat bewys dat die instrument reg geïnstalleer is. Die produk het ek alreeds aan baie mense bekendgestel en wat goed is daar is geen “onderhouds” kostes nie, jy maak dit eenvoudig oop elke 9 maande en en borsel die “kern” skoon, en daar is ook zero chemikalië wat gebruik word nie. Julle kan my enige tyd maar as verwysing gebruik.
Juri van der Watt (TechIOSHSA) sel 076 828 5816
We have had our PTH water softener for nearly 15 years and it has ensured that Blue Bells Nursery has had quality water ever since. We have no fouling (kalk and rust) in our pipes, drippers and sprayers whatsover, and our flowers and plants are flourishing. All credit must go to our in-line PTH water softener. It needs no chemicals at all and functions year in and year out without any costs and has no parts to be replaced. This is a world-class product that I can personally recommend!-
Warren Mathews, Owner: Blue Bells Nursery, Stilbaai, tel 028 754 1551
I am the owner of Paradiso Restaurant in Van Riebeeck Street, Stilbaai. Ever since I have lived here, the hard water causing “kalk” had been a cause of concern for me. About a year ago I resolved to do something about the “kalk” issue in Paradiso as we strive for excellence here! An engineer friend from Stilbaai, Mr Cobus Faber, told me about the PTH product that works for hard water, without the use of any chemicals. I ordered the product from Mr Tom de Gale, the supplying company’s Operational Manager (cell 076 036 2340) and had it installed particularly to protect my coffee machine. On Thursday 14 September, Mr Pierre Massyn, owner of PTH South Africa visited Paradiso. He took photos of the installed PTH.
On that same day, a technician opened my coffee machine for its annual inspection. He was utterly surprised at the fact that there was virtually NO KALK present! The next day, Friday, 15 September 2017, Mr Massyn visited Paradiso again and asked me if I would be prepared to attach my name to the PTH product. I am pleased to say that this is actually a water softener that WORKS. My coffee is healthy and safe as I can avoid dangerous chemicals to soften my water; and it tastes all the better with PTH!
Margie, restaurant owner from Stilbaai, cell 082 864 0731 margie@easycoms.co.za
I have four PTH units that I purchased from Mr Pierre Massyn at different times over an extended period and I am pleased to report that this is an outstanding product that does not use any chemicals or electricity. Two of those units are used in my chicken sheds and the drippers and nozzles remain clean and free of kalk carbonates. In addition, the PTH treated water is healthy for my chickens, they are stronger, more resistant to diseases and they reach maturity faster. Thank you PTH and Mr Massyn for a product of supreme quality.
Ruan Nienaber, Vryburg, cell 071 631 1303 (June 2017)
Hallo, I am Clive Miller from Melkbosstrand, in the Cape. I have bought a PTH water softener from Pierre Massyn nearly 15 years ago. This is a highly efficient, unbreakable device that does not use any chemicals. My PTH is simply installed in-line and it does not cost me a cent in maintenance costs – no electricity or replacement parts. I can only speak very highly of this unique product and have recommended it to all my friends who have any water problems. My water is soft, tastes better, the ice is clear, I don’t have any lime scale or rust problems and no more itching when I shower or bath. You are at liberty to contact me.
Clive, Melkbos Hardware, tel 021 553 2646
Ek kan met groot welslae die PTH towerpyp aanbeveel aan die verbruiker. Ek het 2 groter modelle ingesit by besproeiing in Namibia. Het geweldig gesukkel met spuite wat toekalk. Ek ondervind glad nie meer die probleem nie. My lusern groei ook baie beter en waterverbruik het gedaal want plante kan water beter benut.
Gert Pienaar, Malika Trading, sel 071 638 7101 (November 2017)
A while ago we decided to invest in property in Jeffrey’s Bay. Much to our frustration, after the sale, we discovered that the water was extremely dirty in this well-known part of Jeffrey’s Bay. It was dirty, smelly, causing sores in our mouths, extreme hair loss, constant damage to the geyser and other elements, fatty substance in drains / toilets and extreme damage and discolouration to our clothes etc. We immediately had the water tested and the results revealed very high levels of Magnesium and other harmful minerals and chemicals which proved to be a health risk, undrinkable and bad for skin, hair, nails, pipes, elements etc. The test results were forwarded to PTH for expert advice. We spoke to several people in the area, property owners and business owners (laundries and hairdressers). They were all aware of the water problems. Many houses were already fitted with expensive water filtering systems. We realised that the water issue was a long-term / permanent problem. A neighbour showed us 6 x filter systems running through his home and still needed to buy drinking water. The filters were expensive with high maintenance costs. After a lot of research, deliberation and correspondence we discovered the PTH Water Filter System from Israel which we bought from you and had same installed by a local certified plumbing business. The changes were almost instant and drastic. On only two occasions during December were our clothes and bedding badly stained by the water when same was a muddy brown colour. Previously it was damaged on a weekly basis causing thousands of Rands’ damage. No more coarse hair, itchy scalps and skin. The stains on the shower tiles have reduced drastically saving us a lot of money on cleaning products. Instead of having to scrub and scour every evening, I now only rinse every day and clean once a week with shower cleaner. No more fatty substance in the drains or brown dirty water rings in the toilets. No scale build-up! The PTH water even cleaned the drum of my washing machine leaving my washing soft and smelling great again. I unreservedly recommend the PTH product with the utmost confidence to any person / business with water related problems. Thank you once again for your most friendly and extremely helpful service.
Jaqueline Saayman
Our in-line PTH gives us full protection against limescale build-up for our butchery, as well as ensureing chemical-free softened water for our coffee shop.
Leon and Griselda, Struisbaai
Ek het ongeveer twee jaar gelede die Israeliese In-lyn waterversagter ge-instaleer in my woning in Struisbaai en kan die produk asook koste effektiwiteite aanbeveel weens:-a. Die kalk aanpaksel of ketel en geiser elemente word bykans heeltemal geneutraliseer, en waar ek voorheen gereeld ketels en warm water verhittings toestelle se elemente moes vervang ( ten minste twee maal ‘n jaar) is die problem iets van die verlede.b. Verkalking van wasmasjien en skottelgoedwasser pype vind nie meer plaas nie. Die brak smaak van die water word heelwat verminderd. Seep en waspoeier skuim skielik weer weens die sagter watere. Wit vlekke op glase en borde is iets van die verlede. Indien daar enige navrae aangaande die produk is, kan voornemende kopers met graagte met my in aanraking kom. Groete.
Jacques Lombaard†
It gives me great pleasure to confirm that we have had an in-line PTH running at Mkombe Lodge near Hoedspruit for nearly a year. Based on the performance of this chemical-free, unbreakable device, we have subsequently ordered our second PTH unit. Anyone wishing to hear directly from me about this remarkable water softening device is welcome to call me.
Managing Director of the SMH Group
In 2016, we have installed a PTH 50 for use on our chicken farm. I can state unequivocally that since we have acquired our PTH, there has been a massive improvement in the quality of our water. Not only is the water much softer, but the drippers stay clean and the chickens are undoubtedly stronger with the benefit from the healthy water.
James Nienaber, Leeudoringstad, cell 083 234 1150
Ons het 2 van die PTH waterversagters hier by ons installeer, ‘n 20mm een asook ‘n 32mm een. Die rede waarom ons dit aangeskaf het is eenvoudig, ons het so 1ha lusern wat ons nou al twee keer moes oordoen ten spyte van die grondontleding wat ons laat doen het en die baie kunsmis wat ons moes gebruik het, maar vandat ons julle produk installeer het gaan dit baie beter en die kunsmis verbruik is ook baie minder. Ons water is baie kalk omdat dit van die Vaal-Gammagarra dam af kom. Ons moes gereeld die 3 woonhuise se geysers ontkalk om en stort deure het ook baie aangekalk. Vandat ons julle produk gebruik verkalk die waterverkoelers ook glad nie meer so erg nie. Ek beveel verseker julle produk aan vir enige een. Baie dankie vir ‘n goeie produk.
Thomas Lubbe, Olifantshoek
In February 1998, Reins Nature Reserve bought a 1¼’ Israeli PTH Water conditioner from the sole distributors PTH Water Improvement CC in Cape Town to treat the extraordinary hard and brack water in the reserve. The PTH was installed on the main water supply line.
The results were astonishing. The PTH device, which requires no chemicals, benefited Reins Nature Reserve in several ways...
Click HERE to read complete testimonial.
Nico Malan, Manager at Reins Nature Reserve (Gouritsmond) Albertina. April 22, 1998
Ek het in Desember 2000 ‘n inlyn PTH waterversagter vir my huis op Suiderstrand gekoop. Suiderstrand is berug vir erge harde water met gepaardgaan kalkprobleme. Dis vir my aangenaam om te kan getuig dat ek sedert ek die PTH van die Alleenverskaffer, Pierre Massyn gekoop het, ek nog nooit weer kalkprobleme ondervind het nie. Ons ondervind dat die water veel sagter is, die seep beter skuim, die ys is helderder, die water smaak lekkerder, en die beste van alles, ons het nog nooit weer ‘n element vir enige van my twee geisers vervang nie. Die PTH hou die stortkoppe ook skoon en kalkvry. Wat merkwaardig is, is dat die PTH vir minstens 15 jaar onder die grond gelê het sonder dat ek hom oopgemaak het, en hy het jaar na jaar moeiteloos bly funksioneer. Die toestel gebruik geen soute, of elektrisiteit nie of chemikalieë nie. Volgens my is dit ‘n wêreldklas-produk wat oor en oor die moeite werd is en ek kan hom beslis aanbeveel vir almal wat las het van harde water-probleme. Dankie.
Ons gebruik nie munisipale water nie, ons water kom direk uit die Oranje-rivier. Ons moes meeste van ons pype na 16 jaar vervang omdat dit toegekalk was. Met die het ons besluit om ook plan te maak dat dit nie weer gebeur nie. My man het jul advertensie in die Landbouweekblad raak gelees en julle gekontak. Na amper 5 maande nadat die PTH Waterversagter geïnstalleer is kan ek klaar ‘n verskil sien en voel.* My vel is sagter nadat ek gebad het.* Ek gebruik minder seep, veral vir wasgoed was.* Gebruik minder wasgoedversagter.* My wasgoed is sagter al gebruik ek minder versagmiddel.* My ketel se kalkaanpaksel binne-in het losgekom en daar is amper nie meer ‘n aanpaksel nie* Krane se kalk aanpaksels raak nie meer nie. Ek moes dit altyd skoonmaak met ontkalkmiddels.* Dit is asof die water “natter” voel ?* Hare is sagter en gebruik minder “conditioner”Mens raak dit baie gou gewoond en naderhand dink jy jou water is maar soos dit was, maar sodra jy by iemand gaan kuier of op ‘n ander plek water gebruik kan jy duidelik die verskil agterkom!
Janita van Zyl, Julie 2016, Bucklands. Douglas-Noord. Sel 082 656 7058
Ek het vroeg in 2018 'n in-lyn PTH "towerpyp" by Windmaker Waterversagting Bk gekoop.
Ek kan bevestig dat die toestel uitstekend werk. Hy versag water en het die kalk in ons stelsel verwyder. Die seep skuim beter en die water is sag vir my vrou se vel en hare.
Daar is nie langer kalkstrepe wat aan die storte se deure vasklou nie. Daar is ook veel minder kalk op die ketel. Dit dui daarop dat ons geiserelement volkome beskerming geniet.
Die produk word eenvoudig in-lyn geinstalleer en is onbreekbaar. Hy funksioneer ook sonder chemikalieë en krag. Ons het al ons vriende vertel van hierdie maklike en eenvoudige manier om kalk en harde water hok te slaan. (Die produk werk ook vir roes in pype en is geskik vir boerdery-ondernemings wat boorgate gebruik.)
Ons spreek ons dank uit aan mnr Pierre Massyn en sy span wat hierdie uithaler produk aan ons bekend gestel het.
U is welkom om ons te bel.
Chris Bleeker, Table View, Sel 082 990 0587 (Feb 2018)
We are servicing no less than 28 free-standing dwellings with one single in-line PTH! We can testify unequivocally that this remarkable device softens our hard water and improves the quality in all respects. Thank you, Mr Massyn and your team of dedicated professionals, for a product of true international class.
Franco Pieterse, Hartswater, Cell 082 783 1250
Testimonial from Dr. J.D. Matthee – Dentist – click to read
“Ek het in 2002 ‘n inlyn PTH waterversagter van Pierre Massyn, die eienaar van Waterversagting RSA gekoop. Ek het die produk gekoop vir my bome en tuin asook vir watergebruik vir huishoudelike doeleindes. Dis vir my aangenaam om te getuig dat hierdie produk my water in elke opsig onherkenbaar verbeter het. Nie net is die water oneindig veel sagter nie, maar my tuin en bome blom en groei pragtig met hierdie merkwaardige produk wat sonder chemikaliee werk. Onlangs het ek besluit om ook PTH behandelde water op my olywe en granaatbome te gebruik. Die resultaat was eenvoudig verstommend: waar die bome voorheen gevrek en gestagneer het weens die swak watergehalte, floreer hulle nou. Die PTH het selfs die drupper en sproeiers wat weens kalk verstop was, skoongemaak! Ek kan hierdie produk sonder enige voorbehoud aanbeveel vir enigeen wat met harde of brak water sukkel en aan elkeen wat permanent van kalk ontslae wil raak. Die produk is hoogs bekostigbaar, onbreekbaar, volkome omgewingsvriendelik en gebruik absoluut geen skadelike chemikaliee nie. Dankie aan Waterversagting RSA en Mnr Massyn dat u my gehelp het om my harde water-probleem op te los.”
Woksie Vorster, 083 282 9809, Beaufort-Wes, Feb. 2014​
“I, Theodore Leonard Duckitt, as well as my friends who installed this device, can assure you that this is an outstanding product.”
T.L. Duckitt
“Approximately four years ago, we purchased six in-line PTH Water improvers supplied by the sole importer, Pierre Massyn. We were looking for a water treatment product which was chemical-free, unbreakable and required virtually no maintenance. The water we use is extremely hard, with high levels of calcium and magnesium, and at the Grain Research Institute at the University Potchefstroom we not only pride ourselves on our scientific research, but we simply cannot afford downtime on our equipment which sometimes fails due to breakages and damage caused by lime-scale (“kalk”). We installed these devices to protect our water walls and humid mattresses in our hothouses. Since we installed the PTH devices, our equipment has remained completely scale-free. It also saved us considerable amounts of money we would have had to spend on materials and shut-downs for maintenance. In addition, it saves us unnecessary expenditure on electricity, as 1 mm of scale equates to a rise of 10% in electricity consumption. On Monday, 6 December 2010, we opened up our wet walls for their regular annual inspection. The results tell the story: Of the six wet walls which were protected by PTH, all six were 100% scale free. They were clean. The other two wet walls which were not protected by PTH were seriously fouled up and badly affected by the lime scale in the water. These eight wet walls all use the same water source. One can therefore say that under these controlled scientific conditions (some wet walls protected by PTH, others not, using the same water supply) PTH preformed admirably. We are more than pleased with these devices and can recommend them as a product of true quality. Any prospective PTH buyer is welcome to call me at 084 714 2203.”
Wayne Coertzen, Chief Technician, Grain Research Institute:
University of Potchefstroom
“Nadat ons die PTH toestel begin gebuik het, kon ons die brak water in Reheboth, Namibië, vir die eerste keer drink, wat nie die geval was voor die installering van die toestel nie. Die toetse wat ek gedoen het, was om die water wat direk uit die boorgat kom, te vergelyk met die water wat deur die toestel gevloei het. JY KON DUIDELIK DIE VERSKIL IN DIE WATER BESPEUR. Ek is baie beïndruk sal beslis die toestel aanbeveel vir plaasboere met baie kalk in hul water.”
Shirley Gertse
“I live in Bellville, Cape Town South Africa and use well-point water. In 1996, I purchased a PTH Water Conditioner from Pierre Massyn, the sole importer of these products which originates in Israel. I had several problems which I wanted to address: The water contains iron, which causes rust when it oxidizes. It also contains excessively high levels of calcium, sodium, chlorides and magnesium making it unpleasant for domestic use and almost impossible to apply on one’s garden. On top of these problems, the water was smelly. It was characterized by the typical “rotten egg” smell indicative of high levels of sulphur. I chose the PTH product because it eliminates the use of chemicals. I run a printing business and was looking for a product, which is hassle-free and doesn’t need constant attention. I installed the PTH in-line after a well I have on my property. I can honestly say that this product fulfilled all my expectations. The water is clearer with much less iron evident in the water. Brown marks which previously stained my walls are gone and the walls remain clean. The water is much softer in my house. The soap lathers much better and I save on shampoos and detergents. I also apply PTH treated water on my garden and it flourishes! Remarkable, the PTH even got rid of the bad smells! The cherry on the top was that I enjoy my jacuzzi so much more, since I also use the same PTH treated water for this bubble bath. Since I experienced all these phenomena first-hand, I can say that the PTH device is indeed a multi-purpose invention. I have now had my PTH for nearly 16 years. In all these years I have had NO RUNNING expenses with this remarkable product. All I do every six months is to clean the core. It is a pleasure to testify about a quality product which really works. It is no wonder PTH is used in nearly 50 countries. I have recommended this device to my friends and neighbours, including Pim Lentz. You are welcome to call me about this PTH product anytime. ”
Kevin Kreutch. Owner of a PTH Water Conditioner since 1996.
“… irrigation water produced in the PTH system (was) so pure, it helped leach water soluble contaminants and salts from the soil, thus improving the soil and enhancing growing conditions”
The Land (Australia) 29 November 1996
“The PTH plays an important role in making brack water more acceptable to sensitive cultivars such as Fresias.”
Mr Parker Kriel, past Deputy Mayor, Darling, Western Cape.
“I cannot use any other water except PTH treated water on my flowers or vegetable garden - I have already purchased three (3) units! My St Joseph’s lilies grow beautifully with the PTH, in spite of the brack water. My beans and gem squash also flourish and yield above-average crops.”
Mrs Babs du Plessis, Klein Kiesenbosh, Malmesbury, Swartland.
“…the brack water was literally killing my plants...until in desperation I installed a PTH unit. The results were astonishing. My garden was saved. I irrigate PTH conditioned water everywhere in my garden, which bears Rhubarb, Bougainvilleas and lawn grass.”
Mr Piet Pretorius, Old Mutual, Beaufort West
” …aangepakte kalklae op die besproeiingstelsel is binne dae opgebreek en uitgewas en die spilpunte is weer silwerskoon en so goed soos nuut. Sensitiewe gewasse word verbou onder hierdie stelsel…”
Mr Nico Malan, Manager Rein Farming, Gouritsmond, Albertinia.
“ Graag wil ons u verseker van die bydrae van die ontkalker wat ons by u aangekoop het. Veral die bydrae tot suiwering van ons waterpype….minder vuil (is) in die pompe te bespeur. Roes wat soms in die water voorgekom het is minder. Die water is in die algemeen baie beter. Ons bedank u …vir u goeie diens…”
Sister FJ Nefischer, RC Mission, Matjieskloof. (Father Wim at the Mission also reported a vast improvement in his sunflower and tomato crops, despite the brack water.)
” Ek het die 25 mm PTH toestel aan die einde van Julie (1999) ontvang, dit geïnstalleer en reeds ‘n lusernlandjie met die PTH behandelde brakwater besproei. Die lusern groei pragtig!”
Mnr. L. Schultz van Ladismith
“Francois (her husband) het kareebome gekweek van steggies en die is nou drie jaar oud en die een langs die kraan (met PTH water) reik nou al naby die geut van die hoë pakstoor langsaan. So ook groei ‘n olienhoutboompie wat in 1998 langs die kraan geplant is besonder geil. 2) Frans het ‘n drupstelsel aangelê by elke olyfboom. Ek wens jy kan die verskil sien tussen die aangeplante bome en die wat nog in sakkies wag om uitgeplant te plant! 3) Ek sien die mense in Aurora se struike het almal sulke grys kolle op die blare waar hulle dit natspuit. Dit word veroorsaak deru die braksoute in die water. By ons is daar geen spoor van kolle op gespuite blare nie. 4) Jy moet sien hoe groei my kruieboerdery – met min aandag!” 5) Lampies (Elektries) se skape en sy familie geniet nog hulle lekker water uit hul PTH. Sy lusern groei baie welig. Die water op sy plasie, so 10 km suid van Velddrif op die Weskuspad (die R27) is glo selfs vir skape ondrinkbaar. Hulle loop weg van hul drinkbak na die drinkplek waar die PTH geïnstalleer is…”
Mrs Ina Esterhuyse of Aurora in the Sandveld (an area plagued by extraordinary brackish water) lists several remarkable phenomena in her letter dated 30 July 1999: 1)
We at Conti Industries pride ourselves in supplying quality products into the market at all times (manufacturers of vacuum cleaners and kettles). We purchased one of the above products to help us keep or moulding department and also our moulds in good running order. Over 14 months we have relied on very expensive chemicals to do this for us and the cost was astronomical. Ever since we have installed the PTH Water improver we had no need to treat the water in our cooling tower or to clean our water channels in our moulds. I can say with confidence that the PTH water Improver works for us, and it is maintenance free, and no more expensive chemicals.
Colin Williams, Buyer for CONTI SA
We were for some time without success looking for a suitable system to combat scale deposits and similar forms of fouling in the Sanlam Properties building complex, until, in October 1997, we applied the Israeli PTH device at one of the cooling towers. The results were amazing: whereas al the other cooling towers were fouled up, the system serviced by the PTH was kept clean and lime free, and there was no deposit – without chemicals! Because the PTH works so well for us, we now plan to protect all Sanlam’s cooling towers with the PTH device. The PTH saves the user thousands of Rands annually on unnecessary expenses wasted on chemicals, while the cooling towers’s operational cycle is infinitely extended, and there are no losses as a result as result of downtime and in-productivity . The device is easily installed on the water supply line. The PTH does not use chemicals or electricity and is practically maintenance free. I am at liberty to recommend the PTH system for cooling tower driven air conditioning systems.
CP Boer, Maintenance Manager
Dear PTH Management
I must confess, when you were here with the PTH descaler an you explained how it worked, and exactly what changes it effects in the water, I thought to myself this can’t be, we’re now throwing money into the sea; however, today I have to swallow my words and thank you for the descaler you sold us.
There is really a huge difference in the taste and texture of the water. When I say “texture”, I mean when I finished bathing, my skin definitely isn’t so dry and more; even the bath foam has a richer lather. The water is certainly softer on the skin. Of course my kettle, clothes iron, an geyser will also last longer without all this lime scale. And then I haven't even mentioned how good my father-in-law’s whiskey now tastes!
The main reason why we wanted the PTH was for our daughter. She is now two years old and suffers from eczema. All the chemicals occurring in the water in our region exacerbated her eczema condition. In the past when she had finished her bath, I could see that the eczema was worse.
NOW (SINCE WE HAVE BEEN USING PTH TREATED WATER) IT IS NOT THE CASE AT ALL ANYMORE. I am convinced this is as a result of your PTH device.
Please feel free to refer any future buyers to me and I will tell then how wonderful your product is.
Warmest regards,
(signed) Michelle Theron, Boland Makelaars, Tel +27 (0)28 388 0932 (November 2004)
At Koogans Plastics in Lenasia, South Africa, we believe in creating high-quality plastic products; and we pride ourselves in offering the best service to our clients. That’s why we don’t take chances when it comes to water treatment. Our chillers form a critical component to our water treatment plant. We manufacture plastic bags and containers of all description and for every possible application. We cannot afford to lose time on water treatment works, or money on costly man-hours, materials or equipment. That’s why we opted for the in-line Israeli PTH catalytic water converter. We have hard bore-hole water, and we have discovered that conventional resin operated water softeners do not work at all, therefore we have discarded the system, altogether and run our plant ONLY on the chemical-free Israeli PTH device. We started with two PTH units, and we can categorically testify that this is the best way to treat our chiller water. The PTH units, which treat the chiller water are installed in a circulation loop and save us thousands annually on expensive chemicals while there is absolutely no ongoing expense since nothing in the PTH needs to be replaced. The maintenance is also negligible. Our chillers stay absolutely clean and no fouling, either through scaling or rust build-up takes place, in fact PTH cleans up already affected areas. We have just purchased a new chiller, and we are not prepared to risk such an expensive piece of equipment on untreated water. This is why we have now ordered our third PTH unit. We have complete faith in this product since we know it works and are proud to be associated with the environmentally friendly PTH water improver. We can recommend the Israeli PTH to any user of cooling towers, boilers or chillers, or any concern in the plastics mouldings industry. It is indeed a world class product. We would not have used it if it wasn’t, since at Koogans we only use the best.
M. Shiraz, Managing Director, Koogans Plastics
To the doubting Thomasses I just want to say the change in our water here at Die Kelders is so obvious that my children no longer bring bottled water with when they come to visit, and this per se speaks for itself. The change after we had the device installed, resulted in our glasses to shine, the washing remains white and the kettle does not foul up as badly as before. If this doesn’t convince the people, they should follow the English proverb: “the proof of the pudding is in the eating!” and try for themselves.
L. Daneel, Old Mutual, Gansbaai
I wasn’t very pleased with my husband when he bought this PTH descaler and water softener as I thought it would be the biggest waste of precious money, as each of us have to count our pennies these days. So it came to pass that we received our PTH, and believe me, I was extremely negative regarding this matter. I told my husband this is the biggest scam I’ve ever come across; if this thing works, I’ll eat my hat. You will appreciate my scepticism if I explain that we live in an area with terrible lime soil. Three of South Africa’s biggest cement factories are in our vicinity, I e Holcim Cement, PPC cement as well as Blue Circle Cement. I experienced a huge surprise two just days later. I own a fully automatic washing machine. Whereas I normally add 500 ml washing powder in my washing machine only to no foam, I entered the laundry….and there was foam everywhere. It was quite a struggle to get rid of all this foam. With the next washing load I added 250 ml washing powder and once again was a case of foam everywhere. I am now down to only 125 ml washing powder per load and yet I have to rinse the washing twice. Taps, which have barely been dripping for the past three years, are running more freely after a week, and run quite fast in spite of a very weak water pressure. Within three days, my brand new kettle was so scaled up that it was impossible to boil water – now my cattle remains free of scaling and I have no more trouble or financial expenditure to clean it. I took samples of the water directly from the borehole, as well as water, which has passed through the PTH device, and one can clearly distinguish the difference, including the difference in taste, between the two. The PTH treated water is considerably more clear; and the taste is unbeatable. Pierre, I am convinced this acquisition of my husband’s was undoubtedly worthwhile. Through this “scam” you made quite a bit of money out of us, but I believe on the long term, we will save even more money on electricity, washing powders etc. Thank you very, very, much for such a wonderful product, and may you grow from strength to strength with the sales.
Mariaan Hendriks
A few months ago you installed a PTH Watersoftener for us. I just want to tell you that it has brought about a huge improvement in the scale quality of the water. The water is now drinkable and my electrical equipment foul up much less. Thank you very much.
Deonora de Jong
The firm where I am employed, Marlin Granite, uses cooling towers in various applications. In the past, we experienced tremendous problems with cooling towers scaling up as a result of water with a high lime content.I can truly testify that the PTH system has solved all our scaling problems.We event went as far as installing a PTH unit on cooling towers which were already badly polluted, and I can confirm that the PTH has dissolved even the existing scale deposits. The cooling tower is now completely clean – and remains clean, in spite of the extremely hard, scaling water being used. In the past, we had to clean equipment with chemicals, which we don’t have to do any more, since the installation of the PTH systems. By using this, we effect enormous savings in time and cost, which used to be a huge problem in the past. Die problem has now been solved permanently!I can recommend the PTH as an exceptionally good product to any cooling tower consumer. The PTH was worth its price over and over and the devices rapidly paid for themselves through the savings they brought about.We have already been using five units during the past two and half years, and will definitely install more PTH’s in the future, to protect our equipment. We thank you for your excellent product and good service.
Chris van der Westhuizen
Hereby I wish to recommend the Israeli PTH water conditioner to the public for medical reasons. The ionization of the mineral salts in present the water through the release of electrons by the alloy catalyst makes the water (1) better and (2) safer for human consumption. These electrically charged anions and cat-ions may be of value in cases of auto-immune diseases such as eczema, rheumatism, diabetes, abdominal symptoms etc. It will also help with the absorption of minerals in the digestive tract.
Dr. W Bouwer
The PTH system that you have supplied us with is working well and is doing all that you promised it would. With the Progressive Governance Summit held mid February 2006 at Didimala Game Lodge with President Thabo Mbeki, Minister Tony Blair and Nelson Mandela amongst other dignitaries and other Heads of States; we were required to call the Regional Health Inspectors to ensure that the water did not have toxins in it and that the pH levels were satisfactory.
The inspectors were so impressed with the water results that they said our water is of the purest form. We have not had any complaints of our water and do not foresee any in the near future.
Jaco Steyn, General Manager, Didimala Game Lodge
South Bakels (Pty) Limited are producers and suppliers of a wide range of pre-prepared ingredients in the baking and confectionery industry. During the second half of 1997, South Bakels (Pty) Ltd installed three chemical free Israeli PTH Catalytic Converters or water conditioners to protect the company’s water cylinders and plants against fouling, at various installations. (The units were purchased in Cape Town from Water Softening RSA, sole importers of the Israeli PTH device.) Three two inch PTH devices were installed at our Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg and Ciskei plants. The PTH units installed all performed extremely well in all three instances, and the following is a general report: As part of the syrup blending process, water is heated to 80 ^C in stainless steel warm water cylinders. It is critical that these cylinders are protected against fouling, either as a result of rust or scale forming. Moreover, South Bakels cannot afford to use chemical water treatment, as we place a very high emphasis on quality and healthy products. The PTH unit fulfills this vital criterion since it is chemical free and completely environmentally friendly. Before installation, special heat resistance elements were rendered completely useless as a result of scale. After the PTH units were installed on a hot water bypass, the scale build-up in the cylinders was broken up and started disintegrating as the scale was diminished. The brown water was drained off and the inside of the cylinders shot blasted. The cylinders were completely clean and scale-free! The PTH unit now came into its own by KEEPING the cylinders totally clean. In addition, the PTH keeps the emulsion blending scale in the pre-mixing process completely foul-free. The water is now shiny, whereas it was previously brown! Chemicals, crystals and magnets all failed, but the PTH device has succeeded. It is our opinion that the PTH unit is an excellent product and successfully replaces chemicals. We can vouch that it can most certainly be used for plants, cooling towers, blending scales or boilers. It hardly requires any maintenance and there is absolutely no further expenditure.
Neels Smith. Engineering and Safety.
At Polyoak Packaging Namibia, we specialize in the manufacturing and supply, low cost high volume, quality disposable, recyclable plastic containers for Dairy, Water, Wine, Juices, Edible Oil and Chemical Industries. So we do not take a risk in using chemical treatment on our water system. As with most plastic manufacturers, an effective chiller plant is essential to the manufacturing process in order to cool the moulds in which the molten plastic is formed to finally produce the plastic container. Therefore we can not afford to have any delays due to bad cooling, not only because of the down time and waste that gets produced, but also the risk of poor quality product that may be produced due to inadequate cooling. When we moved into our new premises in July 2006 we installed our second hand chillers which were badly scaled up, due to the very hard water that is found here in Windhoek. We struggled for months trying to get rid of the scale build up by using harsh chemicals, but this in turn caused corrosion on our machines piping, thus causing rust and turning the water red. We had to regularly purge our system in order to get rid of most of the chemicals and rust in the water and replace this with hard Windhoek water again. This was an on going expense of trying different chemicals and every time purging the system and loosing valuable water in order to get a good balance. We were approached early in 2007 by one of our clients with the PTH water improver idea, which seemed to be the answer to our problem and it had worked well for his business. We soon after installed the units as per manufacturer’s specifications and in the first month we could already see a change in the colour of our water, it started turning from a red back into a clear colour. We have had these PTH water improvers in for almost 2 years, and our water is still clear with no traces of rust build up. The old calcium scale on the cooling towers has become powdery and is easily cleaned away. We no longer need to purge our system and this adds to a huge saving.PTH units are practically maintenance free, environmentally safe and extremely easy to install. We have saved on chemicals, acids, shutdowns; water and manpower. PTH units do not use electricity and are very safe.
D. Dalton (Factory Manager, Polyoak Packaging), Namibia
I would just like to inform you about the excellent results I had with your PTH de-ioniser that I installed on a 6 kW water distillation apparatus. This device is operation 24 hours per day and boils away 8 liters of water per hour. This normally requires de-scaling every 6 months involving acids and lots of labour. After running a new stainless steel distillation apparatus trouble free for a whole year – 24 hours per day fitted with a PTH de-ioniser, I expected a major de-scaling operation. On inspection, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the boiler tank and elements were virtually scale-free. I can definitely run for another year. Your de-ioniser definitely allowed more salt to be flushed out by the boiler’s flushing system. Your device saved me a lot of man-hours.
Frank Peiser, Dept of Medical Biochemistry, Tygerberg
"Hiermee wil ek graag aan u ‘n tweede getuigskrif lewer, waarin ek die positiewe uitkoms wil beskryf, wat die PTH 20A teweeg gebring het op boorgatwater in Ermelo dorp, by meneer Johan Nel (017 819 4464). Ek het hierdie tweede eenheid van u af bestel, April 2010, aangesien ek gesien het hoe goed dit werk op ‘n plaas in die Warden area.
Rede vir die aankoop van die eenheid was as volg:
Die boorgatwater waarmee die tuin nat gespuit word, en wat teen die donker siersteen mure beland, het die mure spierwit laat uitslaan van die kalk neerslae en kristal vorming. Dit was werklik die ergste was ek al ooit gesien het. Nie net kolle nie, die hele muur het wit geraak van die kalk-kristal-groei en aanpak “besoedeling”.
Aangesien ek reeds ‘n PTH geïnstalleer het, en die positiewe resultate gesien het, het ek dadelik ‘n PTH aanbeveel. Ek het die eenheid bestel en dit vir hulle geïnstalleer. Die eenheid is geinstalleer (met ‘n behoorlike aarde) op die uitvoer van die boorgat, na die besproeiingsstelsel krane. Dit werk nou reeds jare, net soos die dag wat ek dit geinstalleer het, met geen onderhoud, en het die volgende positiewe resultate opgelewer:Die aanpaksel op teen die mure het binne ‘n paar weke begin afneem.
Die aanpaksel om die krane het verdwyn.Die kalk “drupel vorming op die huis glas-ruite het afgeneem.
Nou, na ‘n paar jaar, is die mure weer skoon (kalk vry).My eerlike opinie: Hierdie produk het homself vir my ‘n tweede keer bewys. Ek het steeds GEEN rede om iets negatiefs te sê nie."
Lourens van der Merwe [2010]
"My PTH 40 is net na twee 3.5 Bar drukpompe geïnstalleer. My water is pragtig sag, die seep skuim beter, my wasgoed is sag, die PTH het die stortkop se verstopte ogies binne twee weke heeltemal skoongemaak en na ‘n paar jaar is daar nog geen teken van kalkaanpaksels nie. Ons drink ook die water wat met die stelsel behandel is. My lande onder besproeiing floreer ook met die PTH. Ek beveel die PTH produk sonder enige huiwering aan vir enigeen wat met harde water sukkel. Die beste van alles is dat die PTH moeiteloos sonder chemikalieë funksioneer en mens het geen uitgawes met krag nie. Dankie."
Kobus Badenhorst, Randvaal-pad naby Alberton
“Ek maak gebruik van ‘n vlak boorgat 4.2 meter. Die water kwaliteit is nie baie goed (brak water). Ek het die PTH geïnstalleer met die volgende waarnemings:
1. Daar is ‘n effense verskil in die smaak van die water (proe beter).
2. As jy fyn sandgrond het dreineer die water makliker in die sand.
3. As gevolg van die water wat sagter is versamel die water nie op die plante se blare nie,die water loop vinniger af en vorm baie kleiner druppels wat help teen sonbrand.
4. Ek het spinasie en kropslaai geplant om die water te toets; die resultate was uitstekend."
Hein van Rooyen, Velddrif Sel: 073 261 8511 [Julie 2018]
Use of the Israeli PTH Water conditioner on cooling towers... I am at liberty to recommend the PTH system for cooling tower driven air conditioning and air conditioning systems.
CP (Japie) Boer, Maintenance Manager at Sanlam Properties, Fourways Mall, Midrand, JHB Cell: 083 229 7434
Click HERE to read complete testimonial [1997]