PTH and Water
The PTH product works in a completely natural way. Its function has often been compared to that of a rock-bed, over which a water stream cascades, causing the water to undergo considerable changes. Of course this process occurs freely in nature and is therefore totally environmentally friendly.
The most recent scientific research suggests that PTH may be linked to a new concept called epitaxy.
For years now, medical doctors have been recommending the use of PTH treated water from a health perspective alone. (Ref testimonial – Dr Bouwer, South Africa.)
“It is time for a radical overhaul of the scientific view of water” according to Rustum Roy, a material scientist at Pennsylvania State University. He is reported in an article in The New Scientist” (8 April,2006) as challenging current ideas of water as a mere chemical compound. To quote from the article, “the key to many of water’s properties is not the chemical bonds between the one oxygen atom and the two hydrogen atoms that make up the molecule. It is the links between hydrogen atoms in different molecules. These hydrogen bonds are at least 10 times as weak as a typical chemical bond, which means that while they can bind molecules together, they also break easily at room temperature.”
Water does weird things – some of which defy explanation such as the fact that it appears in three different forms, solid, liquid and gas, and that in its solid form it is lighter than its liquid form. This means that ice floats and marine life is therefore protected even when the air temperature is below freezing.
While this is not the place for a scientific overview of the latest discoveries regarding water, there is no doubt that thanks to quantum analysis, new properties of water are emerging which challenge previously held views and a mere chemical description of this life-giving fluid represents a dinosaur approach.
In an article put out by WDDTY (Living the Field, October, 2006)
Water is essential to life processes. Even more that nutrients, animals and plants need it to survive. Plants are nearly 100% water, and animals are over 70%. We can live without food for 60 days but will die within four days without water.”
In the human body, it is now being discovered that water molecules play a vital role in communication between DNA and the proteins and amino acids that carry out vital functions. How it communicates is something of a mystery, but it could have something to do with what is known as epitaxy. Epitaxy occurs when there is a transfer across molecules without any discernable chemicals being involved. Scientific experiments show that one can use the atomic structure of one compound as a template to induce the same structure in others. According to Roy, water already has epitaxial effects: “The seeding of clouds is the growth of crystalline ice on a substrate of silver iodide which has the same crystal structure, he says. No chemical transfer whatsoever occurs.” Water has been shown to “take on” properties of contingent substances.
Scientists are puzzled by tests which indicate that water has a “memory” – which is to say, water retains “information” about a chemical even when there appears to be no traces of it left in the water. Again quoting the article from WDDTY, “French government scientist, Jacques Benveniste shocked the world of science by announcing he had discovered the “memory of water”. One of his experiments involved putting chemical information into water entirely electronically. Using only a series of electromagnetic coils, he transferred the “information” from a flask of poison into a flask of water. He then tested the water on bacteria, which promptly died – exactly as if they had been exposed to the original poison.”
According to Roy, “Water has proved itself capable of effects that go beyond simple chemistry.”
In the Negev desert in Israel, bees have been noticed to prefer PTH treated water to untreated water – witnessed by Mr. Roni Levi Of Tel-Aviv.
On farms in the arid parts of South Africa, such as the Karoo, game such as ostrich and springbok, as well as sheep, were flourishing with previously undrinkable water, after this same water had been treated with the PTH product with its unique 12 part multi metal and mineral core.
The PTH is a tried and tested catalytic converter used in nearly 50 countries world-wide.
Crystal Analysis – A New Tool for Testing the Quality of Water
The research and publications by Theodor Schwenk, Sensitive Chaos, ISBN 0-85440-304-3), and Andreas Shulz, Water Crystals – Making the Quality of Water Visible – ISBN 0-86315-486-7 indicate that there is more to water than previously suspected. Water can be shown to have more or less “energy” content and be more or less good for human consumption as a result – a factor which shows up in crystal analysis. As yet we know little about the intrinsic nature of water, but new knowledge gained from crystal analysis is equipping us with new strategies to improve water quality.
Crystal Analysis has been around for more than a decade now. It has proven itself as rigorous, and its results are reproducible, so that it is becoming another useful scientific tool. It has certain advantages over current diagnostic methods. Nothing is added to the samples – it works without solutions or additives.
Crystal images indicate quality: The process involves photographing crystallized samples using an electron microscope and results in meaningful images which allow the quality of a water sample to become visible. Different patterns are distinguished which indicate whether the water is good for human health or compromised in some way. It is a process which is also increasingly being used as a diagnostic tool for medical purposes – analysis of blood for example. (The tendency for water to form crystalline shapes is well-known in snowflake patterns.)
These qualitative characteristics are quite apart from the chemical or mineral constituents (although these may affect quality too). The qualitative characteristics represent energy content, inner structure of water, information content and provide a means of comparing samples from different water bodies.
It has been shown that so-called chemically “pure” water may contain “information” of harmful substances which only shows up in the crystalline structures. Likewise, water may be free of such substances and yet be de-vitalized – again showing up in the kind of dendritic forms that are revealed in the macro-crystalline patterns.
In Andreas Schulz’s book: WATER CRYSTALS, the author produces evidence that subjecting water to prolonged or intense turbulence has a positive effect on the water, which seems to reconstitute itself and become energized. The crystals change from the 90 degree stick-like crosses (i.e. patterns associated with the standard mains water), into patterns which are more star-like with 60 degree angles – as produced by good spring water.
According to Schulz, chemical analysis, at its most refined, can be shown to agree with crystal analysis, but it does not go as far as the latter. He is working hard to bring this new form of water analysis into the main stream as it provides a much finer tool of analysis and exposes the contribution of quality of water to human health or illness.
Photos taken under an electronic microscope clearly shows how the structure of a water molecule has changed after being treated by PTH. In the untreated water sample, the mineral salts and particles are bound together in a cohesive mass. After PTH treatment, the water salts and minerals in the sample are separated and the particles repel each other.
There is evidence that water is energized and “re-conditioned” by a Rhythmic Turbulent Process
It has been shown in several studies on the subject that water which is subjected to a rhythmic turbulence improves its quality significantly. It is water’s very nature to meander and to constantly form eddies. Water is at its best after it has plunged down a waterfall or dashed through rapids. It becomes energized in this way.
This is exactly what PTH does, using the venturi effect which speeds up the water flow and creates turbulence.
Loggers can vouch for the fact that heavy logs can be born along in a mere 6 inches of water, providing that the water is energized by turbulence. On the other hand, water which stands in pipes degrades and becomes ‘lifeless’.
In his book, “Water Crystals – making the Quality of Water Visible”, Schulz presents many photographic illustrations which indicate the difference between so-called “dead” mains water – with its patterns ( made visible by crystallization), characterised by 90 degree angles, compared to water which has been stirred for an hour and has re-constituted itself so that its formative patterning approaches that of pure spring water – star-like or flower-like – with mainly 60degree angles.
When water flows over the PTH core with its imbedded flow lanes, the water molecule is stretched, causing the “wetter water” effect. This leads to more economic use of soaps, washing powders and detergents – savings of up to 30% has been recorded. This stretched water molecule also gives water the unusual property of faster soil penetration. This propensity alone saves up to 40% in water consumption. HTH chlorides applied to swimming pools are reduced by an astonishing 50%.
Studies revealed that where there was a combination of ionization plus turbulence, a positive change in the crystal structure of the water molecules was effected, with significantly more 60 degree angles and finer crystallization than in the underlying neutral (pre-treatment) sample. The advantage of this system is that the mineral content in the water remains the same so that essential minerals and trace elements are retained. They are also rendered more absorbable through refinement and separation from harmful coagulants.
A pure filtration process does not display such good quality improvement in most cases. Again, Shulz’s photographs illustrate this: In filtered water the crystal structures do not change to any great degree in comparison to the neutral sample and 90 degree structures remain which show that the structure of the water continues to contain harmful substances and harmful information which cannot be absorbed or altered through pure filtration. According to his evidence, this is the drawback of filtration procedures. While the harmful chemicals or elements may be filtered out – the water retains a “memory” of them which can be transmitted to the imbiber (as in homeopathic preparations). In order to throw off these effects (visible in the crystal patterns of the samples), the water needs to be vigorously stirred up for a period of time.
It is important to note that the patterned venturis of the PTH water improver subject the flow of water to a powerful rhythmic turbulence. This has the double effect of bringing all the water content into contact with the ionization process while energizing the water at the same time.